Ep. 73: A Thousand Clowns (1965) or “Yes Sir, It’s a Podcast. No Sir, Don’t Say Broadcast.”

Zach welcomes musician and podcaster Nate Runkel (Yo, That’s My Jawn) onto the show amid the chaos of a bustling New York City and the quirky revelations one can find about life and love as they dive deep into the 1965 Fred Coe picture, ‘A THOUSAND CLOWNS’.

After you’ve admired that naughty light up lamp (shame on you), settle in for a discourse in appreciation as the two uncover more information around the production of this Broadway adaptation, find themselves in awe of the innovation brought on by necessity, fawn over the wonderfully fleshed out world inhabited by Murray and Nick (Or whatever he call’s himself that day), and muse at great length over the many ways in which the film has influenced the works we see today (mostly Kevin Smith allusions, but there are more. Trust Us).



Do not delay, hop over to the world of ‘YO, That’s My Jawn’ to listen to Nate interview personalities with passions to share and maybe play a song or two each and every episode.

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/yothatsmyjawn
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yo-thats-my-jawn/id1528065034
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2KgsoseBniTJA8h8EolJXG

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