It’s a crossover episode of massive proportions as YBR and RVP create an official combo episode!
Join, Zach (Yesteryear Ballyhoo Revue) and the dynamic pod duo Erin & Chloe (Required Viewing with Erin & Chloe) as they deep dive into the birth of the sex symbol leading man in his most famous (and infamous) 1921 outing, THE SHEIK!
Join the trio as they unveil the origins of Rudolph Valentino and his rise to film stardom, become aghast at the meticulous plot breakdown, wrestle and agonize over the various ways the film presents problems as vast a desert itself, become introspective and understanding of the films immediate success with audiences of the era, and finally ponder the many ways the film has influenced the works we see today.
Plus: Al Pacino gives Valentino the film voice he never had.
Also: Martin Scorsese teaches your proper eye brow care
Be sure to check out Required Viewing with Erin and Chloe. Use the linktree to enter the vast world of RVP:
And while we are sharing linktrees, use the Ballyhoo’s own to spread the word t your friends about these cinematic romps: