Ep. 49: LGBTQ Double Bill: ‘Rebel Without a Cause (1955)’ & ‘The Children’s Hour (1961)’

Zach welcomes podcaster and filmmaker Jay Alan Rickard (Dear Rowan, Sit a Spell) to have a closer look at the subtext, text, and over all representation of LGBTQ persons in Golden Age Hollywood with a dive into Nicholas Ray’s ‘Rebel Without A Cause’ and William Wyler’s ‘The Children’s Hour’.

Tune in as the two discuss when and where they first started noticing the subject matter in Golden Age Hollywood, break down the potential subtext interwoven through key character’s in ‘Rebel Without A cause’, find appreciation for the outright text contained in ‘The Children’s Hour’, marvel at the command and technique behind both filmmakers, and have an honest chat about how representation matters and where there is effectiveness in these films of the past.

With all the heavy topics at hand, laughter must be found and it shall. You shall giggle along as Jay becomes a sound effects man for the show, howl as the two try to determine how sinister Mary Tilford is compared to Rhoda Penmark, and crack up over the nations latest breakfast cereal tie in to Rebel Without A Cause.

A Warning: This episode contains honest discussions about mental health throughout. If this is something that can be difficult to process, this warning is provided in advance out of care and respect to those who need the heads up.

Be sure to listen to Jay’s astounding podcast work:

Dear Rowan
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/dear-rowan/id1531925103
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ng8K6pzxedg27RQt6F5vB
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dear_rowan

Sit a Spell
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ee/podcast/sit-a-spell/id1558188238
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6FrVTNqkGkHQa5jLKoMvZo

and be sure to Follow Jay throughout the web!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg9U0aljQRQCySsr0L8ShhA/videos?view=0&sort=da