Zach welcomes back Rashmi Menon (Film Fan, International Cinema Correspondent) to join the show in Vienna where will try to unravel the mystery of what happened to certain Harry Lime as they dive into Carol Reed’s 1949 masterpiece, THE THIRD MAN.
Break out the zither and stroll ponderously down the war torn streets with the duo as they learn more about the film’s scattered and at times chaotic production, become unshaken by the stories surrounding David O. Selznick’s involvement and meddling, unpack the mythological baggage surrounding Orson Welles and his involvement in the film, analyze the films well calculated plot and its outlook for a post war audience, and then revel in the many ways this films legacy has echoed down through the decades both influence and appreciation.
Plus: Graham Greene writes the next James Bond film, to the dismay of Sean Connery.